Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Mind Is A Wasteland of Random

This last week I walked to the Farmers' Market near my house. I bought green onions because I must ALWAYS have them in my fridge just in case. I also bought these purple potatoes purely because I loved their color (though they did end up being quite delicious when baked in olive oil, garlic, the aforementioned green onions and some Italian spices). I also bought a little box of blackberries and consumed the entire bunch on the way home. Tasty tasty.

I've been knitting up a storm lately. Mom asked me for armwarmers for Christmas (sis, if you're reading this don't show her, the finished product is at least a secret). The request coincided nicely with my desire to knit something other than just beanies and scarves. I also remembered my promise to my knitting sensei Mary that I would try cable stitch, so I found a pattern that used it. I'm quite proud of the results:


My roommate liked them as well so I knit her a pair in charcoal grey. I'm going to make myself a pair as soon as I decide on a color. Probably a charcoal grey as well, but I'm also considering a nice, deep, rusty red. We shall see. Regarding yarn, I tend to randomly buy it if I see a color I like or I touch it and it's very very soft. I found the yarn below at Michaels on sale. It was incredibly soft (an acrylic/merino blend), incredibly cheap (maybe $2-3?), and in a color I LOVE. I'm not sure what I'm going to knit with it, but I hope whatever it is is worthy of the gorgeous, somehow friendly color.

I want to know more about knitting, so I checked the book Stitch 'n' Bitch out of the library. It's one I've randomly seen and heard good things about and I quite enjoy it. The author has a clear but amusingly sassy way of speaking and is very practical and live-and-let-knit about the whole thing (not a knitting snob--yes, they exist). Also, her diagrams are all cartoons, so of course I enjoyed that. I don't have a strong desire to crochet but I'd buy her crochet guide based purely on the title: Stitch 'n' Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker.


Those windowsill creatures really don't have anything to do with anything, I just find them funny.

Today I had a job interview downtown and afterwards I went to a French bakery/cafe down the street. They had what are arguably the cutest sugar cubes ever. Not that there's a raging international Cute Sugar competition running, but if there was, this would probably win:


Inside the package there are two tiny sugar cubes. And I don't speak French, but I'm guessing the top is asking if you want another coffee, and you can check "oui" or "non" on the side. I'm also in favor of this sugar as it came in lime green, teal, cranberry and bright orange. Hip colors, to be sure, but some of my favorites. I wanted to steal a whole fistful but I didn't because...I'm a pansy?

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