Sunday, September 21, 2008

You Will Curse the Day You Did Not Do All That The Phantom Asked of You

Last night Liz and I went to see The Phantom of the Opera which was playing downtown. Now, I'm not a solid fan Andrew Lloyd Weber fan, more of a pick 'n' choose kinda gal (ie--Evita, Jesus Christ Superstar) but I quite enjoy the music in Phantom. There are a number of lovely little bits and, really, the whole story is a melodrama so you have to forgive some melodramatic music. Also, I forgot how entertaining the play is: ridiculous melodrama, outrageous costumes, "flameball"-throwing skull staffs. In addition, I noticed something I'd missed the last time I saw it: Raoul's amazing ability to sing lustily while hanging from a noose--really, it's impressive.

In relation to Phantom, I've become aware of an ominous series of coincidences: PATRICK WILSON IS EVERYWHERE. Who is
Patrick Wilson, you ask? He is an actor, friends, and in the past month I have not been able to get away from him. I hadn't ever heard of him until Liz and I were watching the movie Little Children and I thought, "This guys looks really familiar? Who IS he?" I couldn't avoid the nagging suspicion that he was playing Night Owl in the (HOORAAAAAY!!!) Watchmen movie and I was RIGHT (yup, I'm a genius). But I ALSO realized I'd seen him in the trailer for the upcoming Lakeview Terrace about a billion times just this summer (it played before a LOT of movies). Next, in my general upcoming-movie perusal I stumbled upon the Anne Hathaway film Passengers--guess who plays her boyfriend? It all came to a head last night when I IMDBed the Phantom movie because I'd forgotten Gerard Butler played the Phantom (that's right, boys, King Leonidas was the Phantom) and found...PATRICK WILSON PLAYED RAOUL. What is going on?! Either this all means I'm going to meet Patrick Wilson soon and it will change the course of my life or...Patrick Wilson is going to kill me.

In unrelated news, I've been taking multivitamins because, well, hey, why not? Primary difference I've noticed? My nails look AMAZING. They're so smooth and glossy and I can't stop looking at them. Thanks, folic acid!

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