Friday, February 26, 2010

God Bless the End of the Work Week

1) I don't know Hindi but that doesn't stop me from singing along.
2) Breakfast with other people than Liz. That's a big social step forward for me.
3) Attempting to actually use my creative abilities. Bought one small shadowbox at Goodwill. We'll see where this goes.
4) Listened approximately 12 times to "Electric Sky" a song so gently beautiful I actually shed a few tears (I do that sometimes). You can hear a lovely but not quite as perfect version on Eleanor Murray's MySpace page. The one I have is from a homemade CD I bought at Goodwill of her - I assume now defunct - local Washington duo Eleanor & Benny. It's just not the same with only one voice and no banjo.
5) I want two bodies so one can go running and the other can snuggle down and knit.
6) I miss snuggling.
7) When's spring? I love winter, but this winter sucks.

Monday, February 15, 2010

My Name is Darcy, and I'm a Stephen King-aholic

I just finished the novel Lisey's Story by Stephen King and thought it was time to take stock of which books of his I have read (far more than I realized). If I recall it all started with The Shining in the 8th grade...
  1. Bag of Bones
  2. Carrie
  3. Cell
  4. Christine
  5. Cujo
  6. Danse Macabre
  7. The Dark Half
  8. The Dead Zone
  9. Desperation (read at least 4 or so times)
  10. Dreamcatcher
  11. Dolores Claiborne
  12. Everything's Eventual
  13. Firestarter
  14. Four Past Midnight
  15. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
  16. Insomnia
  17. It (read 3 times)
  18. Just After Sunset
  19. Lisey's Story
  20. The Long Walk
  21. Misery
  22. Needful Things
  23. Night Shift
  24. Nightmares & Dreamscapes
  25. Pet Sematary (read twice)
  26. The Regulators
  27. Salem's Lot (read twice)
  28. Skeleton Crew
  29. The Shining (read at least 3 or 4 times)
  30. The Stand (read at least 4 or 5 times)
  31. Under the Dome

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sleeping Beauty; At Last!

My sister was here last weekend. I likes her! As usual it was a lot of eating and being silly and that's perfect. We made Greek food and pasta with mushrooms and a homemade cream sauce (several attempts, but the last one came out delicious). The primary reason for her visit was to see The Sleeping Beauty Ballet, which I have waited my whole life to witness in person. I did not disappoint. Visually excellent - great costumes and use of color and a clean set. Dancing is always a weird mix of "That doesn't look so hard" and "Holy crap!" I'm torn in deciding the best part of the ballet. It was one of two things. Either the evil fairy (played by a man, of course) who FLEW by way of harness, was heralded by explosions and lighting, and who had a bit of the Baba Yaga about her if I do say so myself. OR, the skeleton. Yes, the skeleton. At the end of the second act the fairy appears at Princess Aurora's birthday party and starts kicking up a fuss. One of four princes there to court Aurora (who seems a bit of a tease) pulls out his sword to do away with the fairy and is struck down by a fireball. No one seems to notice his demise and his corpse just kind of lays down stage left. When the heroic prince shows up at the castle one hundred years later he is greeted by sleeping courtiers and...a skeleton. A finely dressed skeleton. God bless you, ballet skeleton.