Friday, September 19, 2008

Bright Copper Kettles and Warm Woolen Mittens

Things Which Have Recently Brought Me Joy:

Fig. 1

1. The Relevant Podcast--It ALWAYS brings me joy.
2. Loose leaf tea--Who knew it could be so entertaining? Who knew tea could have pineapple in it? Who knew its volume could increase so much just by soaking up a little water?
3. We Have Always Lived In The Castle by Shirley Jackson -- She's just good. She's insane, but she's good.
4. Lupe Fiasco's The Cool--I kept hearing great things about him on the Relevant Podcast and I do whatever the Relevant Podcast crew tell me to, so I checked his album out of the library. Awesome. That's all. I particularly can't stop listening to "The Coolest" and "Put You On Game". I've needed new music for a while.
5. Cooking--I have been making some excellent meals lately if I do say so myself. Shrimp tacos with mango salsa, anyone?
6. Knitting--It is my new obsession. Evidence: (a) I just want to sit and knit all day. (b) I've got about 6 books on my request list from the library--books about how to knit, books about the language of knitting, about yarn, about the social history of knitting. (c) If I see a sweater/hat/pair of mittens/socks I think, "How is that done? I bet I could do that pretty soon." (d) Proudest recent accomplishment? Winding my own center-pull ball of yarn. (Fig. 2.)

Fig. 2

7. Born Yesterday--A wonderful movie from 1950 starring Judy Holiday (HILARIOUS) and William Holden (What's the mature, suave version of "adorkable"?)

CURRENT LIFE GOAL: Domestic bliss. (See 2, 5 & 6...Also, I already have the start of an apron collection.)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

center pull!!! that's quite amazing, i must say. and when you start checking out books on the social history of knitting, that's when i know you're obsessed. =)
btw, i have some awesome stationary that wants to be mailed to someone, specifically you, but it's so awesome that it's getting impatient--it wants to be seen by the world.