Thursday, August 28, 2008
Job Interview Complaint of the Day: If the job you're hiring for is part time and so crazily part time that it's less than 16 hours a week, shouldn't you mention that in your job listing/over the phone when setting up said interview/at the beginning of an interview? Guess not.
Job Interview "Hooray" of the Day: I've never been so happy to turn down pay and health care. I went for a second interview with a company I wasn't too sure about. By the end of the interview I realized the people there were really really nice, the pay was good, I had the skills to do the job...and I absolutely DID NOT want to work there. Suffice to say I just knew that it wasn't for me. As soon as I decided not to pursue the job I felt about 1000 lbs lighter and I couldn't stop smiling. I put my happy music on, drove home, and had a great day. I don't like job hunting, but I was SOOOOOO happy to go back to it. I know, I'm crazy.
I got my hair cut today, it's back in shape, short 'n' sassy. I look pretty dang adorable if I do say so myself.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Eat It, (Probably Shouldn't) Read It, Watch It.
Until I fell down.
Yes, I managed to eat it on two separate occasions, causing large groups of strangers to suddenly focus all their attention on me. Sweet, now if anyone remembers me, it will be as, "That girl, the one who fell." Yeah. I'm hip.
Another lame facet of the jewel of my clumsiness is that this last time I fell I mildly mangled my ankle. It only hurts when I put pressure on it from a certain angle and I'm still functional, mobile, even. I can walk, just with a limp (this, more of a Christopher Walken The Dead Zone limp than the chicken has). And my ankle is swollen, which is interesting.
Due to my unfortunate tumble I spent my Saturday evening with my foot propped up. It wasn't a complete loss, however, because I got to knit and listen to a book on tape (Aside: I know, I know, it's not actually on tape, but "book on tape" just sounds...happier than "audiobook", which sounds sterile and unfulfilling.) I made the oh so happy discovery that the Seattle Public Library has a number of audiobooks online for your downloading and listening pleasure (unfortunately not yet compatible with iPods--oh, poo). Thusly, I spent 5 hours teaching myself to make cable knit arm warmers (I'm fabulous, by the way) while listening to the highly entertaining Blood & Chocolate, a YA werewolf story I vaguely recall having read in elementary school or junior high. I think it's sort of what the Twilight series wishes it could be. Not to say that Blood & Chocolate is Pulitzer material, but it's not quite as laughably shallow as the Edward and Bella saga.
And now that we've broken that tragic secret, yes, I did read Twilight, that book of dubious fan-girl-screaming-crazy-tears-running-down-their-faces fame. I couldn't help it. My best friend told me how awful it was and so, of course, I decided that I needed to read it--I'm a lover of MST3K which means I am a lover of the hilariously bad. Call it morbid curiosity? After reading it I decided two things:
1. I simply don't understand what all the fuss is about
2. It reads as if a talented teenager had read an excellent vampire romance novel and then wrote a very very long fanfiction about it.
That said, I'm probably going to read at least one more from the series. I can't help it--I have to try and understand what sends the weeping masses over the edge about it. Or at least have another eye-rolling, head-shaking, sigh-heaving, hands-to-the-heavens hearty chuckle. But I'm going to check them out of the library--I can't bring myself to support it monetarily...or to be seen picking it up, standing in line with it, and paying for it.
What I will support monetarily, however, is the film Pineapple Express. Liz and I went and saw it on Friday night an boy howdy, was it a doozy. I LOVED IT. If you enjoyed 40 Year-Old Virgin or Knocked Up and their vulgar, yet bizarrely sweet and endearing characters, you're well on your way to enjoying Pineapple Express. If you liked the hilarious action of Hot Fuzz, that's another step in the right direction. I can't even explain the joy that it brought to me (however, the words "Seth Rogen" and "James Franco" are a good start). So if you can handle a dose of foul language, a lot of pot and some occasionally graphic violence (boy, what an endorsement), then you've come to the right place my friend. Sit with me, laugh with me, love with me.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Updatey Randomness
I joined the Seattle Symphony Chorale, about which I am very pleased. I was shaking during my audition (hey, I sing in a choir to AVOID singing by myself) but managed not to catastrophically screw up. So now I'm in and we're singing Mahler's 8th Symphony in a month. They move fast here in the northwest.
I found a figure drawing group online. The people host various drawing events throughout the year--different days, different places around town, types of models, etc. Sadly, I apparently missed "Drawing Burlesque" which actually would have been AWESOME. There is a session this Saturday which I plan to attend--hopefully I'll get a job soon so I can support this habit in a regular fashion--translation: these models don't get naked for free.
Rain. Actually, up until this weekend it was consistently gorgeous here. However, for the past two days it has been grey and rainy. Goodness GRACIOUS, I love the rain.
Yes, we have chickens. Sweet, huh? Very entertaining to draw. Occasionally we get eggs. They also make very strange noises and one of them has a gimpy leg so she walks with a limp--but not a cinematically entertaining, stiff-legged, cane-assisted one like Christopher Walken in The Dead Zone. We should be so lucky.
The owners of the house are having some work done around the place. This fun piece of equipment was related to the trees they recently took out. Elizabeth and I, of course, wasted no time hopping on for a photo shoot as soon as the workers left--some sort of illegal?
The backhoe had some of the sweetest warning signs ever. In this one, he's being pinched to death. In another he is electrocuted when the backhoe gets tangled in power lines. In yet another the backhoe rolls over and crushes him. Stick figure people lead dangerous lives.
That's right, I got a Burger King crown. For free. Eat your heart out.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I Have A Gold Medal In...Laziness?
2) I'm really not good at teaching knitting. I hope Liz doesn't fire me.
3) I completely forgot that when you move into a new place you ALSO pay a security deposit.
4) My bank account is displeased with my aforementioned forgetfulness.
5) I have watched many many hours of Olympics recently. It's tragically addictive--they show you snippets of one sport, and switch to another right in the middle; so you think, "Well, I'll wait 'til so an so comes back on" then get hooked on the current sport regardless of what it is.
6) There's a 33 year old mother on the German women's gymnastics team. Too cool.
7) Synchronized diving--how the flip do they DO that?
8) Did anyone else see the frickin' AMAZING win for the US men's relay swim team? HOLY CRAP!!! I actually jumped up and down. However, my reaction was nothing compared to Michael Phelps' screaming 300-esque freak out. Fabulous.
9) Above kick-ass win is second only in my Olympic memories to Keri Strugg's vaulting-on-a-mangled-ankle ass kickery from days of yore.
10) Wow, I haven't watched the Olympics in a long time--there was a day when I at least knew the names of every girl on the gymnastics team. Now I have no idea who any of them are--but I'll still cheer for them.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Washington, Schmashington
And finally I reached my new house--it's adorable! Seeing Liz makes my heart happy, I haven't seen her in person in a year! (More pictures later). Noah and Rayna (hmmm, I have no idea how to spell her name, I'll have to find out...) came down from Anacortes for various reasons and we went out for dinner at a sushi restaurant (Noah can eat a LOT) and went to see The Dark Knight (well, for me it was again, but it was so good I didn't mind seeing it a second time!) and then ate organic desserts right from the bakery box. All in all, a good first evening in Washington. Now, to unpack my car...
Saturday, August 2, 2008
"You May Travel Far But Love's Never Lost"
I've been at home for a few weeks visiting my family and friends before heading up. I forget how much I love my Sacramento friends: we've got a beautiful kind of relationship where no matter how long it's been since the last time we talked, when we see each other awkwardness isn't an issue--all it is is pure fun. This is good for me considering how much I dislike talking on the phone. If I've ever made the effort to call you on the phone to chat--even once--it's a sure sign that I love you. I wish they'd all move north with me. Alas. On the plus side I know I'll see them all again at the beginning of October for Maria's wedding. Speaking of which, I'm thoroughly bummed that I'm missing both the bridal shower and the bachelorette party. Heartbreak much? Oh that flying weren't so expensive, I'd do it in a minute.
My family also took a three day trip to Yosemite and Tahoe. It just doesn't seem like it would be summer without at least Tahoe. The two places were gorgeous and we were blessed with perfect weather which is amazing considering that mere days after we left fires broke out near there and the area was FILLED with ridiculous amounts of smoke, so I've heard. P.S. When Yosemite says a trail is wheelchair accessible, that is not necessarily true...unless you're REAAAAALLY lookin' for a workout.

And with that, I wish California well and head off to the great northern climes of Washington. I'll try and keep y'all updated on my whereabouts and doin's. I'm going to miss you, CA people, but we shall meet again. Love you.