- Messiah concerts went pretty dang well in my opinion. I have enjoyed singing it several years in a row because each year I get to know it more and find new parts to work over and revel in. I adored the conductor - a delightful Bernard Hill-ish schnauzer of a man. Very gentle and a very clear conductor, even when playing the harpsichord and conducting with his head. We also had a lute - who knew one little lute could make such a difference?
- Home + Christmas = Happy. Family, pets, home made tamales, rum and egg nog, Christmas goose, listening to Messiah with family while doing crossword puzzles, Shirley Jackson stories, friends I haven't seen since summer, Doctor Who, knitting store afternoons. Glory.
- Brahms Liebeslieder Waltzes and Beethoven 9 concert - so fun. The waltzes are a grand mix of lovely, darling, rousing, beautiful, eerie, peppy and lilting, most coming in at around 1 minute-ish. We sang a few of them sophomore year of college with Dr. Hodson and I still remember some of them (only now we're singing them in German - ja!). Beethoven is a blast because you just get to sing all crazy and loud and you realize how exciting and interesting it all is and how much more there is to it than just the standard melody that everyone knows. Only downside - we didn't break it down Sister Act 2, 90s style at any point. That's okay, I did it in my head. ("I'm down with G-O-D -- yeah you know me! -- I'm down with G-O-D -- EVERYBODY! Come and join the chorus, the mighty mighty chorus...)
- Tomorrow is New Year's Eve Anacortes style. Am I ready for 2010? We shall see.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
December, Don'tcha Know?
Thursday, December 17, 2009
And wild and sweet, the words repeat...
I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men!
And thought how, as the day had come
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along
The unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good will to men!
Till, ringing, singing on its way,
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime,
A chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good will to men!
"There is no peace on earth," I said;
"For hate is strong
And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men."
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep.
"God is not dead, nor doth he sleep!
The wrong shall fail,
The right prevail,
With peace on earth, good will to men!"
In recent years I've been rediscovering Christmas songs I've known forever. Rediscovering in the sense that one day I somehow notice the words, listen to them, and the song suddenly becomes even more wonderful than I once thought it was. This year it's "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day", which I'd swear I heard for the first time years ago on an episode of Touched by an Angel (YES, Touched by an Angel) and never thereafter heard a version I enjoyed. I spent a good long while searching yesterday and discovered one by Sarah Morgann that, to me, does the song justice.
Brand new songs discovered this year:
"Gabriel's Message" performed by the Choir of Clare College (Oh. So. Beautiful.)
"What Sweeter Music" performed by the Choir of New College Oxford
"I Saw a Fair Maiden" performed by the Cambridge Singers
"Wexford Carol" by Anuna (I knew the song but this version is spectacular!)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
All We Like Sheep
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Sentence Fragments! Just Phrases!
I think that about covers it.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Thank you sir...
Monday, November 16, 2009
I miss writing papers in English class
The thing I love about Jane Eyre as a book is that, as Jane's personal recollection of events, you see that even though she is very good at keeping quiet she notices everything and has very thoughtful, emotional and deep reactions. Excellent example: Jane sits quietly in the parlor while Mr. Rochester's party goes on about her. No one pays attention to her but she notes and appraises each guest and their speeches. You see and understand how she struggles with the unjust and unkind treatment by her aunt, her school; how she learns to move on and forgive; how she comes to love Mr. Rochester and the pains and joys, large and small, that brings; and on and on.
When you can't read those internal thoughts you either have to externalize them as dialogue or show them physically with the motion/facial expression/setting/lighting/music/framing/etc. Somehow this movie skipped that notion, so it ended up being an extremely reserved film with very little dialog in which I gave not much of a damn about anyone. There was more emotion in the first 15 or so minutes showing Jane's childhood than in the rest of the film. By the time she heads to Thornfield she's just a quiet, dull, expressionless thing. Very resilient to be sure, but not showing any of the intelligent and strong yet well-mannered spark that connects her to Mr. Rochester. Even Bertha Mason, the freakin' MAD WOMAN, is basically an unkempt woman in a nightgown standing quietly by the fireplace. "Oh my GOD, she's BAREFOOT! Look out! She'll rend your flesh from your bones!"
And because you don't have the slightest clue as to Jane's feelings and internal reasoning behind her decisions to come or go or do such and such, many plot points seem abrupt and strangely off-handed. Her ability to love and forgive is reduced to one sentence - saying to her aunt, "I'm not vindictive." Her desolate wandering after discovering Rochester's secret is now an odd, forgettable 4 minute sequence and some abrupt scene changes.
I don't think this movie is a good recommendation of the book at all - it's more akin to picking up the Cliffs Notes and reading the first sentence of every other paragraph. If you're going to do an extremely abbreviated version of a story I'd rather you get the feeling behind it. Jane Eyre has heart, this movie had a checklist. If anyone is still tempted to give the movie a try, DON'T. Instead, read the next few sentences in a quiet English monotone with no change in facial expression other than a slight frown now and then. You'll get the gist of the movie but save yourself about 155 minutes:
"My aunt's mean and school sucks but who cares because I'm at Thornfield all of a sudden and there's a guy here who looked at me once and is almost amusing. My aunt's dying and, oh, I'm rich, that's nice, I'll wander back to Thornfield now, but, Rochester, you're getting married? that's sort of uncool, I guess I love you, so now we're sorta engaged. Crazy wife, huh, maybe I'll get in a carriage and go back to that St. John dude I met once for 15 seconds and be ill for no reason. 1 minute long proposal sequence out of nowhere? Sure, but I sorta think I'll go back to Thornfield now...wait...why did I leave in the first place? Meh. It's burned down and you've got a goofy eye now, but whatevs, I'm apparently not surprised. Looks like I'm happy."
Sunday, November 15, 2009
She's half beagle half they don't know what ("The father is an unknown Don Juan," read the description). We picked her up and took her home for the night. She was a little scared and whiny so I took her out of her carrier and held her on the way home - so warm and soft and snugly and precious and unbearably lovable.
Friday, November 13, 2009
O Fortuna
Fun moment from the concerts: In warm ups one day I heard behind me, "Young lady. YOUNG LADY!" and turned to see an old gentleman with delightfully floppy hair and a slight stoop. "I've been watching you breathe - beautiful! You had an excellent teacher, he would be so proud of you!" Funnily enough, right before he told me this I was thinking of how Shas once told us, "You know, you can take a breath without losing your vowel shape," and was trying to do just that. Apparently it work - thanks Michael!
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!
Do you see that? DO YOU!? Well, perhaps not, it is an odd picture. Okay, I'll explain: His newest book is the frickin' width of my hand! And I don't have dainty little cute girl hands, either. That there, friends and neighbors, is 1000+ pages of hopefully pure insanity. So far there's been a smashed airplane and a woodchuck sliced in twain, so I have high hopes. Cross your fingers.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The wrap itself is not that wobbly looking, I just laid it out hastily and it's also pretty springy yarn so it doesn't want to lay flat. Once I've blocked it it will look square. I've never blocked lace before, so we'll see what that's like. I'm excited! I love knitting!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Emma: Thank You, Book-It Theatre!
John Bianchi as Mr. Elton was PRECIOUS - in a hilariously over the top, grossly off-putting way. Frank Churchill's wardrobe design made me smile - everything just a bit more flash than everyone else's. His coat (and sometimes pants) were velvet, his buttons a little bigger, a little shinier, a little more profuse, his trim a bit more...trimmy. And my favorite part: his jacket shoulders just a bit poofier. Sylvie Davidson as Emma was delightfully enthusiastic and prim and self-assured and selfish and sweet. You could actually feel that Emma was a young and naively spoiled 21-year old who sincerely thought that she was right in determining every one's best interest. Dylan Chalfy as Mr. Knigtly was spot on for an upright, good and no-nonsense gentleman with a sense of humor. I think the casting department watched the Gwyneth Paltrow/Jeremy Northam film and cast as Jeremy-Northam-ish an actor as they could find in Seattle. Not that it was a problem, he was EXCELLENT, but I wonder if they knew. Or maybe Knightly just calls for a man with dark hair, a straight nose, direct eyes and a mouth that looks ready to smirk at any moment. It's a combo that certainly seems to work.
Oh my, I do love plays, and I do love Emma. And something else - when people talk about romantic male heroes in classic literature etc Mr. Darcy ALLLLLWAYS comes up. Always. He makes some women all gushy. While I don't deny that the whole Mr. Darcy/Elizabeth Bennet thing is great, I just have to think that not enough people have read/seen Emma. That's the only explanation that makes sense - forget Mr. Darcy, he's rubbish compared to Knightly! I'll take one Mr. Knightly, please.
Friday, November 6, 2009
What Makes a Weekend...
2. Today during work: rain, rain, RAIN, rain, HAIL, hail, RAIN, rain, blue skies bright and clear, RAIN.
3. Tonight there is a small steak with sauteed mushrooms. Sunday there will be a pot roast. And turnips.
4. Tomorrow there will be the Book-It Theatre production of Emma.
5. I'm a potato slut. In my cabinet right now I have red potatoes, yellow potatoes, russet potatoes, blue potatoes and one sweet potato.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Don't Stop! Belieeeevin'!
Foreigner Eye of the TigerBest 4 miles ever. Good Lord, how does good music make everything better? These are all great, but let me tell you, Don't Stop Me Now is the mood boosting ass-kicker of all mood boosting ass-kickers.
Journey Any Way You Want It
Journey Don't Stop Believin'
Journey Separate Ways
Lesley Gore You Don't Own Me
The Chiffons One Fine Day
Frankie Valley & the Four Seasons December, 1963
Queen Don't Stop Me Now
Queen We Will Rock You
Cat Stevens Here Comes My Baby
Things to look forward to in the next week or so:
- Casual Friday - I loves me some jeans
- Knitting even more!
- Liz coming home
- Trying my hand at a pot roast
- New Stephen King book
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Mall Dance Baby
Last Saturday Liz and I spent a whole afternoon footling aimlessly about the mall. We'd really gone down to hit up Target for baby shower purposes and only entered to mall so I could utilize their food court. Four hours later we made it to Target. I'd forgotten how much time you can waste in a mall - seventh grade Darcy knew so well. Saturday night was dancing at a club for our friend's birthday. We had the interesting experience of going to a club with a huge line out front - only a week or so before we'd talked about how that never happened to us. Then we realized that reserved room parties got to go in the VIP (much shorter) line and we were then escorted to our room by a suit-wearing, headset-having gentleman bouncer. It was vaguely fancy (I say "vaguely" because the club itself wasn't that fancy, but the entry experience was).
Sunday we went to Liz's sister-in-law's baby shower. I suppose I'm sort of a fake Richards because Rayna introduced me as an adopted sister and often grouped me in when gesturing to "Noah's sisters", which made me feel pretty good. I'd be okay being a Richards. I blame Liz for not having more brothers, I'd totally marry into that family. Just FYI, Rayna is the best person to buy presents for. She screamed over EVERYTHING. EVERY present was "the GREATEEEEST!" which sort of makes you feel like "the GREATEEEEEST!" even though it was said so many times - her constant enthusiasm made up for any loss of meaning through repetition. Good job.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Wedded Bliss
Yes, this weekend I went down to Santa Barbara for Sharon and Zach's wedding. I've been looking forward to this for WEEKS. On Friday I got up ridiculously early, drank some coffee and landed in LAX where I was met by Kara!
Then, like grown ups, we got in our rental car and drove up to SB. Westmont's construction is CRAZY. I don't even know what to do with it - I'm excited to see the finished project. Saturday was the wedding and it was wonderful. I wore a yellow polka dot dress and hung out with some fabulous fabulous people - choir alums and otherwise. I miss all of them so much and I didn't want the day to end. I literally hung around longer than any of the other guests because I'm awkward and lonely and it was the greatest. Sharon was lovely, Zach was adorable, their first dance was super cute. Of course, I was sick all weekend and still am - full of mucus is no way to enjoy a wedding but I did my best. I think the wild dancing jarred some of the illness loose.
I love that place and those people.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Go Forth and Autumn
Goals for autumn (generally domestic, mainly culinary):
-finally knit a sweater
-bake an apple pie
-cook with fresh pumpkin
-cook with turnips (I have no idea how they taste, but they look so plain and friendly)
-write more letters
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I worked a crossword puzzle today which had the following awesomeness:
Clue: "Madcap goings-on" Answer: "Antics"
I think I need some more madcap goings-on in my life.
Also, my co-worker's 4-year old daughter drew this picture, which I get to keep.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Things of Yesterday
- Coming home and seeing that somehow the play of light through my window/curtains/blinds had clearly projected onto my wall the image of the house next door. Amazing and mysterious. I took pictures but can't find the cable that connects my camera to computer...
- Reading after work and falling asleep for two hours. Reading quietly and uninterrupted in the late summer evening has such a clear, pleasant, settled quality - there's nothing quite like it.
- Flailing restlessly around the apartment for two hours with roommate after waking up while having tiny existential crisis.
- Going to a house party at 11:30pm where we only knew one person.
- Feeling bad about myself while everyone talked about their volunteering/traveling/life dreams involving foreign locales, international justice and sustainability.
- Falling into bed after 2am but still having to read before being able to fall asleep.
- Going to the gym - the fancy downtown one that has showers so I don't have to decide between going home then going out again, or spending my day sweaty.
- Going to the Seattle Art Museum to FINALLY see Andrew Wyeth's Helga paintings. I saw them in a book two years ago while working in the Westmont Library and fell in love. So excited.
- Going to the Frye Art Museum to see The Puppet Show, where 29 artists give us their take on puppets in contemporary art. I can't even begin to imagine how creepy and awesome it will be.
- The last disc of the final season of Battlestar Galactica :(
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Weekly Math
Driving 40 minutes each way to registration: -8 points
Nothing but Pumpkin Spice Latte for breakfast: -5 points for hunger, + 2 points for deliciousness.
3-day weekend/4-day work week: +15 points
Prospect of buying new issue of Empire Magazine after work: +5 points
Prospect of buying new Sondre Lerche album Heartbeat Radio after work: +67,432 points
Weekly outcome: + 67,426 points
Friday, September 4, 2009
I could SEE the chunk missing from my finger and it wouldn't stop bleeding so I hopped over to the emergency room (about 2 minutes down the street) just to make sure I didn't need a stitch (certainly couldn't need multiple stitches). It took about 4 nurses and a doctor taking my vitals and brief medical history and all telling me "No, of course you don't need stitches," just to have the FIRST nurse came back to bandage me up and send me on my way - could this be a small part of why health care costs so danged much? But they were all lovely people ("Aw, you just need a kiss on the finger and you'll be good to go!" quoth Nurse No.1) and I was in and out before my lunch hour was even over and now I have a good story to go with my massive finger bandage.
Friday, August 28, 2009
La Di Da
Of course, now it's Friday night and Liz and I are trying to figure out something fun to do. What do young human beings do for fun when they're footloose and fancy free? Probably don't say things like "footloose and fancy free" but that's beside the point. Um...I think I suck at being young?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Things That Make Me Laugh Uncontrollably
This wonder was inspired by The Video Game Name Generator on which Liz and I spent way too much time tonight. I'll leave you with some of my favorites:
Spooky Mall in Space
My First Jungle Hoedown
Trendy Robot in Middle Earth
Generic Nudist Dance CD
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Things That Happen on Weekends

What the Frak, So Cal?
2) Went to a class at the gym today. The human body can only take so much jump roping. Childhood me would be so disappointed in 25-year old me.
3) I want to go to Sharon's bachelorette party more than anything. WHAT THE FRAK, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! WHY ARE YOU SO FRAKIN' FAR AWAY!?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tell You Why, Mrs. Lovett, Tell You Why
Sunday, July 19, 2009
"Silence is the Perfectest Herald of Joy""
Have I mentioned before how awesome Liz is? Today we had a Quiet Day. We both woke up fairly early considering how late we went to bed, moved out to the living room and have spent most of the day napping, reading, going on the computer, watching a movie, and being almost entirely silent. Despite the fact that I felt ill for a majority of the time, it was one of the most pleasant days I've had in recent memory. And this afternoon when she went out for a walk, she came back with a popsicle for me. I have an awesome friend.
Recommendation: Buy someone a surprise frozen treat, it'll make their day.
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Hills Are Alive
How does music do that? Case in point: sitting at work today I put Carmina on to entertain myself. Several times I found that I had to restrain my enthusiasm and force myself to work instead of dancing and silent-singing. Having spent so much time in choir and hanging out with music majors in college part of me thinks I should have been a music major, too. On the other hand, I only took one Survey of Western Music course and while it was pretty darned cool to learn, I apparently didn't need to take all that theory and history and composition and conducting to enjoy music to the point of soul-bursting, face-splitting, high-kicking joy that occurs oh so frequently in my life. If I added any new musical knowledge, thus increasing my ability to appreciate and enjoy, I might explode.
Rock on.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I'm Toning Up for my Norwegian Lover
Unrelated to exercise, I found out that Sondre Lerche's new album comes out September 8th. I can't wait for two more months. I can't! it's too long! But now I have something to look forward to. You know what else I have to look forward to? SONDRE LERCHE IS GOING TO BE IN SEATTLE IN SEPTEMBER!!!! WOOOOOOOO!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Lord, Smite This Music...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Eat, Eat, You're Skin & Bones!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Holy Crap! It's the Sun!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Seattle, Seattle, It's a Hell of a Town

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Nom Nom Nom!
Friday, May 8, 2009
If You're Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands
Can you tell that I am excited to see my friend? I am. It's been three long months since our last weekend visit (in our old SB stomping grounds) and now she will grace the Northwest with her presence. I love that gal, she's one of the glorious people I discovered after I graduated Westmont. I knew her while I was a student, we sat together in choir and I knew she was awesome, but we didn't actually hang out and become real friends until I'd graduated, don't know why. And now I'm doubly excited because we're going to do touristy things like the Space Needle and Pike's Market. I've done those before, but not in quite a while. I actually haven't done much in Seattle due to my classic "Meh" attitude towards getting out of the house. I was that way in Florence (Russ and I spent a whirlwind day during our last week trying to get in things we'd spent 4 months not doing) I was that way in SB, I'm that way everywhere. I really want to make an effort to actually get to know the city I live in. I'm making strides (small ones -- stridettes?) in Ballard, and now that it's turning into spring (slowly, slowly into spring) I have high hopes for myself. A winter indoors really makes you want to spend all your time outside as opposed to SB where I never felt like I was missing an opportunity because, heck, it was going to be just as sunny tomorrow. So Jessie will visit and we will romp and prance and tour and whatever the hell it is you do. We might even, dare I say it, take a ferry somewhere! And look! It's (for the moment) beautiful and bright and sunny out my window. Life is wonderful! Huzzah!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Saints Preserve Us!
I suddenly realized that the shirt I was wearing is one I wore two weeks ago when I got a haircut. I'm wearing a hair shirt! This is probably why I should put things in the laundry instead of just tossing them towards the laundry: if it misses and just lands on the floor I sometimes get it confused with my clean ("clean"?) clothes. If this were the the 17th or 18th century and I were incredibly pious maybe I'd say that I was mortifying my flesh to better my soul. As I am me and it's 2009, I'm just going to spend all day twitching and grousing and using adult language until I can get home and put on a better, non-hairy shirt. Curses.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
It's a Beautiful New Day (He-e-ey)
Mr. Blue Sky - E.L.O
Walk Like A Man - Frankie Valley & the Four Seasons
Right Back Where We Started From - Maxine Nightingale
Die, Vampire, Die! - from Title of Show
Let My Love Open the Door - Sondre Lerche
Mama Mia - ABBA
Maybe I'll go for a run around Greenlake after work--that will only increase the happy! Tee hee! (you heard me).
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Safety Blanket Books
I was reminded this week of part of why I'm keeping my list of current readings on my blog: not only do I want to see what I read in a year, I want to see how many of the books are ones that I've reread. I'm rereading Til We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis, which I haven't read since sophomore year of college. Even some new readings are inspired by old ones. For example, I read all four books in The Song of the Lioness Quartet (YA fiction, easy read, all 4 in one weekend) because it's by Tamora Pierce who wrote The Immortals Series which I read in jr. high and high school and which is still one of my favorites and what I would call some of my Safety Blankt Books. These are books I read probably once every two or three years (if not every year). I'm so familiar with some of them that I can sometimes just read selections or skim them and it still satisfies me. I have to have them with me wherever I live or I feel sad and lonely; they're mentally snuggly. I actually felt kind of depressed in my new apartment until I was able to put them on a bookcase and could SEE them. Hey! LET'S WRITE ANOTHER LIST!
Safety Blanket Books
The Immortals Series by Tamora Pierce
The Dark is Rising Sequence by Susan Cooper
The Stand, The Shining & Desperation by Stephen King ("You call those mentally snuggly?" Shug up.)
Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
Do other people have Safety Blanket Books?
Saturday, March 14, 2009
My Waterloo (Some Assembly Required)
What this means is that Liz and I moved into our new apartment last weekend--HOORAY!!!! Of course, it's still a horrible mess--BOOO!!! When I moved to Carpinteria two years ago I bought a $40 Target bookcase. It took me maybe 30 minutes to assemble and lasted the whole two years I lived there. I bought the exact same bookcase at a Targe in Seattle. Took me maybe an hour to assemble, then the last piece didn't fit in and when we tried to stand it up it was so wobbly we didn't even let go of it, just lowered it back to the floor again. And there it lay, taking up my entire floor all week. Today I tore it apart, literally. They said you could disassemble it, but they were liars. Of course, I think I gained much more satisfaction breaking it ("DAMN YOU, YOU INFERNAL PIECE OF CRAP!" CRACK!!) than I would have if it had disassembled nicely. I got my money back and went looking for a new bookcase. Surprisingly hard to find a bookcase under $100. I might order one online that looks decent, even if it won't come until at least next weekend. I had such high hopes of getting a bookcase and actually being able to put stuff away this weekend. Alas, I will live in squalor for another 7 days or more. I could scout out Goodwills, etc, but I don't have a truck or van with which to move fully assembled furniture, nor does anyone else I know, except Caitlin up in Anacortes. Hmmm...am I just making this more difficult than it needs to be?
Ah, crap.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Behold the Ravages of Age!
Unrelated to age other than in an "I can do vaguely grown up things" way, I'm also moving into a new apartment this weekend--HUZZAH!!!! I've been waiting for so long! I'll have pictures eventually if I ever find the danged cable that hooks my camera to my computer...consarnit.
Monday, March 9, 2009
And to Live By the Girl Scout Law
I just ate way too many Thin Mints.
Curse you, Girl Scouts!!!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Maybe I'll Just Read Practical Magic. Again.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
See The Amazing Hermit Girl!
I'm so good at being by myself. I usually don't feel lonely, I like spending time by myself. I like reading and knitting and watching TV and drawing and doing crossword puzzles and going to the library and walking around by myself. But when I have to be around people I don't know...that's what I don't like. Which is silly. No one's mean to me, they try to be nice, I'm just nervous all the time and feel like I'm better at keeping my mouth shut.
So in a way I hate that my roommates are social and have people over and kindly invite me to do things with them. And in a way I'm really grateful. I have the capacity to have a good time, I do. And sometimes I'm actually really amusing and good at talking to people and carrying on conversations and I have fun doing it. But more often than not I forget that fact and am just filled with terror and a really strong urge to hide in my room. The housemates are out for round 2 of birthday -- playing flag football. I sort of hope they bring some people home afterward...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Jane Eyre: The Musical!
It was an admirable production in many ways, and definitely a fun way to spend my evening. I quite enjoyed it and I'd be interested to see how it would go with a full orchestra and more resources. It must be hard to condense such a long book, and one that is from Jane's perspective and so includes much inner thought and observation versus action. They did a decent job of hitting the high and low points: school for orphaned girls, Thornfield, scowly yet charismatic leading man, crazy lady in the attic, etc etc. And while I know they needed to detail Jane's growth towards strength, forgiveness and faith and her relationship with Rochester, it seems like they skimmed over the harshness of her childhood and her distress while wandering alone after she leaves Thornfield. I mean, those are major traumas! But her childhood was just her cousin tearing a few pages out of a book and her aunt scolding her once and that's about it. And her desolate wandering lasted about a minute and a half and consisted of her kneeling on the ground while the chorus of spirits (hey there, Secret Garden, how ya doin'?) who act as the spokespeople of her inner thoughts said "I cried a lot and I was hungry and it SUCKED" (I'm just a fan of show, not tell, especially in a play, which by its nature is largely about showing). It seems to me that her turmoil and sadness and, consequently her eventual happiness, would have had a lot more meaning if she actually appeared to suffer deeply in her life. Oh well--again, it's a damn long book and they needed time to sing, I guess.
Song-wise, I was pleased by the addition of a number of in-between, move-it-along songs. The cast album I have is a single disc and one thing that bothered me about it was how uneven it seemed--in terms of plot timing they'd have a number of songs crammed together, then skip important story lines and then have a song that seemed overly long for how small it's plot point was. The full show evened it out nicely. And seeing it performed live made me reconsider and even enjoy songs that bug me on the CD--that's why I love going to musicals, you may know the music backwards and forwards, but when you see it performed by actors in character on a stage it takes on an utterly new life.
Casting-wise they did a pretty decent job. Jane Eyre had a wonderful voice, youthful but strong and very clear--I was thoroughly blown away by her opening number in act two, it was the first time her acting really moved me. The little girls who played Jane and Helen were excellent, I wanted to hug them both and I was quite impressed with Helen, who had her own song and managed it nicely. A few cast members were a little shaky on their pitches, particularly the man who was a chorus member/Mr. Mason, he was consistently under pitch and I think he might be the reason that when the chorus performed segments of harmony it was naggingly off. And they seemed to agree amongst themselves that belting it out was always the right way to go, no matter what the mood was supposed to be, bless their hearts.
But lets get down to the important part: Mr. Rochester. He was definitely the best part of the show. He seems to be from the fist-making school of passion. I don't know, maybe it's a 19th century man thing, but I've never really made a fist to display my distress and high emotion. He was actually quite charismatic; and while he could have stood to be a bit more scowly and mercurial at times, I give him a solid and enthusiastic thumbs up. I want to see him in more plays. And what of his voice? Let's just say that I want to have his voice's babies. Sing to me Edward, sing loud.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
...and woke up at 4:30pm. I slept for 13 1/2 hours. I NEVER do that, no matter how late I stay up I'm usually awake by 11 at the latest. SOMETIMES noon. I only sleep that much when I'm sick. Did I get sick and not know it? And so I've spent only a few hours awake today and wasted most of my weekend. On the other hand, I suppose weekends are supposed to be for resting up and enjoying yourself and I do love sleep. But in the interests of not throwing off my sleep cycle horribly and screwing myself when I have to wake up for work on Monday, I am going to force myself to go to bed now at 12:12 am even though I am not tired (I took the sleeping pill to prove it!). We'll see how this goes. And maybe, just maybe, if you're lucky, tomorrow I will tell you about how I spent the few hours I was conscious tody. They involve the words "Jane Eyre" and "the musical"!
Friday, February 13, 2009
A Musical To Do List
Musicals I've Seen Performed (in no particular order):
1. A Little Night Music
2. Wicked (I want to say 3 times?)
3. Ragtime (3 times)
4. Phantom of the Opera (2 times)
5. Rent (at least 4 times, I think)
6. Miss Saigon
7. The Secret Garden (student performance)
8. Into the Woods (student performance)
9. Godspell (student performance)
10. Guys & Dolls (community theatre)
11. West Side Story (student performance)
12. Anything Goes (student performance)
13. LesMiserables (2 times)
14. The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
15. Aida (not the opera, alas)
16. The Lion King (I think 3 times? maybe just 2)
17. Spring Awakening
18. Cabaret
19. Jesus Christ Superstar
20. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat
21. The Fantasticks (community theatre)
Musicals I NEED To See:
1. Marie Christine
2. The Music Man
3. [Title of Show]
4. Titanic
5. Caroline or Change
6. The Secret Garden (a non-student performance)
7. Into the Woods (a non-student performance)
8. Assassins
9. Sweeney Todd
And there are plenty of other musicals I'd willingly see if they were around and the price were right. Those are just the ones that I thoroughly enjoy and so I feel like my musical life truly would not be complete until I'd seen them. It's ever-changing, too, as I discover new musicals. Example: I'm probably going to go see Seattle Musical Theatre's production of Jane Eyre next weekend. That's right, Jane Eyre: THE MUSICAL! It's not life-changing, but it's fun to listen to and I am intrigued by the idea of seeing it (thanks, in large part, to Westmont College's amazing '08 production of the Polly Teale stage adaptation. Not musical, but still reminded me how much I enjoyed Jane Eyre).
At any rate, lunch is over now, so I suppose list-making time is done. That was fun! ...for me, at least. Maybe not for you. But I place the blame squarely on you for continuing to read. It's not my fault you don't like lists or musicals.