Friday, May 8, 2009

If You're Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands


Can you tell that I am excited to see my friend? I am. It's been three long months since our last weekend visit (in our old SB stomping grounds) and now she will grace the Northwest with her presence. I love that gal, she's one of the glorious people I discovered after I graduated Westmont. I knew her while I was a student, we sat together in choir and I knew she was awesome, but we didn't actually hang out and become real friends until I'd graduated, don't know why. And now I'm doubly excited because we're going to do touristy things like the Space Needle and Pike's Market. I've done those before, but not in quite a while. I actually haven't done much in Seattle due to my classic "Meh" attitude towards getting out of the house. I was that way in Florence (Russ and I spent a whirlwind day during our last week trying to get in things we'd spent 4 months not doing) I was that way in SB, I'm that way everywhere. I really want to make an effort to actually get to know the city I live in. I'm making strides (small ones -- stridettes?) in Ballard, and now that it's turning into spring (slowly, slowly into spring) I have high hopes for myself. A winter indoors really makes you want to spend all your time outside as opposed to SB where I never felt like I was missing an opportunity because, heck, it was going to be just as sunny tomorrow. So Jessie will visit and we will romp and prance and tour and whatever the hell it is you do. We might even, dare I say it, take a ferry somewhere! And look! It's (for the moment) beautiful and bright and sunny out my window. Life is wonderful! Huzzah!

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