She flew up from So Cal to visit for the weekend and we had a BLAST. Saturday we did the Underground tour: hilarious/fascinating. It's about Seattle literally building themselves an "underground". They were built far too close to the ocean which meant high tide brought all sorts of unpleasant problems and led to them (after a fortuitous fire that destroyed 33 city blocks) rebuilding the city at a higher level. The tour takes you through the lower levels and our guide was hilarious, occasionally bursting into song, unrelated to the tour - what's not to love? We also went to Pike's Market, up the Space Needle and spent all time between those moments walking around the city. After the Space Needle we sat by a fountain for a rest and were delighted to realize there was a prom happening somewhere near. Every few minutes high school students would walk into sight and Jessie and I would judge their attire harshly: mostly ill-fitting and extremely slutty - one has to hope that their parents didn't see them before they left the house or else they are guilty of both bad taste and not caring if their daughters are propositioned every few minutes by strange men on the street. However, there was a boy in a white dinner jacket, black bow-tie and black pocket square who saved the day. Well done, you. We partially crippled ourselves with the long day of walking, but it was worth it. Saturday we went to Bainbridge Island by ferry. I've never driven my car onto a ferry before and it was tragically entertaining.

The weekend was finished with the best damn ice cream I have ever tasted ever. It was from a bright little place called Mora. Jessie got Mexican chocolate ice cream - light and just a bit spicy and utterly delicious. I got "dulce de leche swirled with dulce de leche". That's right, caramel swirled with caramel.
1 comment:
Only real monocles need apply. At least that's how my immigrant family was greeted in this new world. The Von Humperdinks and their fake monocles were cast out of urban areas and sentenced to a life of vaudevillian performance in hills of Appalachia, where nobody knew a real monocle from a fake. To this day some Pentecostal Churches use the test of the monocle alongside snake handling as signs of faith. Only the chosen can see through it.
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