Friday, November 13, 2009

O Fortuna

I'm done with Carmina Burana and sad to see it go. When concerts end sometimes I'm relieved, sometimes I'm sad because I just started to understand and enjoy the piece, this time I'm sad because I've always loved this one. We did a fine job and had an enthusiastic audience - both performances ended with swift and violently cheery standing ovations. I love hitting that last note. You're BELTING it out (in good choral form of course, never shouting) and then you hit it and hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, crescendoooooooo DONE! and know you've kicked some serious aural ass. It's just a wonderfully fun piece. It also makes me wish I were a dude because they have some amazing bits I thoroughly enjoy and deeply desire to sing. ("Hinc, hinc, hinc, hinc hinc equitavit, equitavit, equitavit, equitavit-tavit-tavit-tavit-tavit-tavit"!) And having done it once before and listened to it a lot since I've discovered so many more little parts that bring me joy (the flutes in 19 - the FLUTES! I've been loving flutes this year) and some of the rhythms just make me wanna DANCE! I've also realized that someday I'll need to see a performance of it myself instead of singing in it. That would be at treat.

Fun moment from the concerts: In warm ups one day I heard behind me, "Young lady. YOUNG LADY!" and turned to see an old gentleman with delightfully floppy hair and a slight stoop. "I've been watching you breathe - beautiful! You had an excellent teacher, he would be so proud of you!" Funnily enough, right before he told me this I was thinking of how Shas once told us, "You know, you can take a breath without losing your vowel shape," and was trying to do just that. Apparently it work - thanks Michael!

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