Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Figs and Things

Sometimes I think that, with my love of home and general domesticity and the lack of slutty clothes in my wardrobe and dearth of stories about the times I went out and got wasted and partied until sunrise with pop stars and artists and aimlessly wealthy European riff-raff-y youths, men might find me too dull to date and marry.

So I like figs and sweaters, big deal!

But then I think, "But SOMEWHERE out there SOMEONE has got to find my love of hearth and home appealing, right? ... RIGHT!?"

 Uuuuh...maybe not?  His sideburns are sweet, though.

**Kate Beaton, once again, you are full of wonder and joy. Gotta love a gal who uses profanity and writes cartoons that riff on The Yellow Wallpaper.

1 comment:

joanna said...

I notice you're reading The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay; I enjoyed it immensely. Happy new year!