Wednesday, April 16, 2008

That Is Incorrect. The Correct Answer Is: "You"

You thought I wouldn't do it, but you were wrong. Yes. I blog. You blog. We blog. He/She blogs. Y'all blog. They blog.

And now that I've conjugated blogging, I'll explain why I'm doing this: I want to. Basically, I enjoy typing. I enjoy putting my petty little thoughts into actual text. It makes me feel better. It helps me think more clearly since most of the time I don't know what's happening in my head anyway. Usually I'll start writing and soon I'll see something that makes me say, "Holy crap! I didn't know I felt like that!" Also, someday this might be useful for people who want to keep up with what I'm doing and where I am (since I SUCK at communication by phone).

So who knows. Maybe I'll keep this up, maybe I won't. Maybe someone will read it. Maybe they won't. And one day, if we're lucky, this might actually be interesting.

Thought for the day: dang, I'm hungry.

Thought #2 for the day: I REALLY like Arial font. It's so roundly squarely appealing (figure that one out).


kara and kalin said...

darcy! roomie of my heart. this makes my heart happy.

joanna said...

I like you.