Thursday, October 23, 2008

And In Your Dreams, Whatever They Be


Wow, it's been a long time since I blogged. That's what happens when you're employed, I suppose: you don't have time to think that every little stupid thing you do might be interesting. Because it's probably not, anyway. More about the job later. And by later I mean next time I blog. I don't feel like organizing thoughts about work right now. I will, however, post an e-mail I sent to my former co-worker/current friend. For those of you who don't know, I have ridiculous dreams. Seriously. Ask me about them some time--I once dreamed an entire movie that had a soundtrack AND rolled credits at the end. Also, I usually remember them in far more vivid detail than other people. There are a number of dreams I had when I was a child that I still remember clearly. Last night was an excellent series of dreams. Enjoy:
Beth, I blame you and your e-mail and its mention of men for the fact that last night all my dreams revolved around me being awkward around men and wishing I had a boyfriend. Seriously. And they were all the WEIRDEST dreams. I can't recall them exactly, but in one, Matt was trying to date me again...sort of. He wasn't sure if he wanted to and so he kept trying to sneakily hold my hand over the wall of our cubicles (we were in an office?) and I kept thinking "WHAT the HELL are you doing?" but I figured it was easier to let him do that and just forget it happened than mention it. Then I dreamed that the guy I dated in Italy moved to Seattle and had a girlfriend and she hated me because I was taller than her and therefore closer to his 6'4". THEN I dreamed that Fred Astaire told me that he needed my help on an important caper, so I went with him to an amusement park where we found this guy who was really important and then Fred started ignoring me and we were all eating corn dogs and gently singing "Nature Boy" by Nat King Cole except Fred didn't notice me anymore and it made me really sad. I'm insane and I blame you.

I love my brain.

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