Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Organize, Minimize, Jazzercize

I DID organize, and I DID minimize today, but sadly, there was no actual jazzercize.  I think I failed on that one.  

Attempting to simply is kinda fun.  I'm trying to think of it as becoming organized.  You might not know it, but I love to organize, I'm just usually too lazy.  This is a big problem for all the life goals I have ("I'm going to be tidier!" "I'm going to eat better!" "I'm going to exercise more!")  So I may as well start small and work my way up.  Pile up the little victories and maybe I'll start tacking on some bigger things.

Got my e-mail inbox down to 18 today.  Deleted a lot, sorted most others into handy files, and now I just have one file of a few "go through, pull out the useful info, then delete" e-mails to take care of in the next week (I gave myself a limit).

Go me.

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