Friday, May 6, 2011

Lemme At 'Er!

The idea of simplifying (heck, even the idea of starting  to try simplifying) can get pretty inspirational.  I was reading some blogs during my lunch hour when I thought about my previous post and how I talk about having clothes I don't wear but don't get rid of.  I looked at the clock and saw I had 5 minutes before I had to head back for work and I realized that a fast, time-limited purge would FORCE me to make snap decisions.  Usually that's a bad thing, but my problem in this case is that I usually waaaaay overthink the purge process to where I become paralyzed with indecision and "what if"s and don't do anything.  I look at that closet every single day, I know what I've been dilly-dallying over, I know it, I just need to DO IT.  

I sprang out of my chair, rushed into my room and started flicking through the hangers one by one, pulling things out and muttering to myself, "This doesn't go with anything - GET RID OF IT!  You hate the sleeves on this even though you love the color so you never wear it - GET RID OF IT!  You don't even REMEMBER the last time you wore this - GET RID OF IT!  This always makes your legs look puny and your ass look huge - GET RID OF IT!!!!!!"

By the end of the 5 minutes I had a big pile of at least 15 things on my bed that I can donate.  And I haven't even gone through my shoes or my jewelry or my makeup!  I'm kinda stoked.

1 comment:

joanna said...

I like this kick that you're on. I'm moving next Tuesday (holy crap!) and the purging process is huge. Your experience empowers my resolve.