Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Putting the "Pro" in Procrastination

So I'm done with my job on July 3rd. Approximately 2 1/2 weeks to go. I have a lot to do to get the office ready for whoever is next and I've done....about none of it. I started a secretary manual several months ago, but haven't worked on it in a long time. But at least this one will be USEFUL, not like the mystery book I found when I arrived: "You will have to organize private lessons." That's nice...HOW? Like a fortune cookie wrote the damn thing. Instead of organizing the files in the drawers I've been letting stuff pile up on my desk. It's hard to motivate yourself to work when no one is in the office all day to keep you accountable. Unfortunately shame is one of my major motivators in life, so if there's no one around to shame me, I'll sit around and read all day (hey, at least I'm literate).

As far as getting out of my apartment I haven't even gotten boxes yet. Which reminds me, I should go recycling dumpster diving this afternoon...Fortunately I only have one room of stuff to pack, not a whole house, so I'll probably be okay. I'm not leaving until July 14th so I have plenty of time...watch me not put it to good use.

I'm having some people over to play games this weekend--I love game night. I'm awesomely nerdy. Of course, I need to go buy at least one game since I currently only own Boggle. However, I fully intend to make people play Pictionary Dictionary (or Telephone Pictionary if you want to call it by the "real" name), a game handed down directly from Mount Olympus. I also intend to make cupcakes.

On another unrelated note, I took my sister to Disneyland for her birthday and we ate at the Blue Bayou, the restaurant inside Pirates of the Caribbean, and the food was excellent. Particularly what I called "Meat Dessert" which they call their Molasass-brined Pork Chops. It was perhaps the most delicious thing I have ever tasted. If you want a life changing taste experience, I highly recommend Meat Dessert.

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