Half-Marathon Training - Yes, contrary to popular belief I am physically active.
And this is what happens when you're not wearing your glasses while being physically active.
The race is on the 26th so this is my last week of hard training. I'm running 10 miles on Saturday(!!!). Liz is running it as well, and miss Joanna is flying up from CA to run it with us! (Yes, she is insane. That is why I like her.) Of course, these last two weeks of training also coincide perfectly with...
Choir - Two concert weeks in a row. This week it's Mendelssohn's Lobgesang, next week it's Bernstein's Chichester Psalms. I feel easier about the latter because I've sung it before and it's just plain fun. So I'm daily running too much, working, and then singing too much. Next week will be full of glory and exhaustion: a full week of work and rehearsals, then Saturday AM I run a half-marathon, sing a concert Saturday PM and another Sunday afternoon. I am taking Monday off so I can die in peace.
Etc. - My spare time lately has consisted of reading (a lot of fantasy, actually), watching FAR too many episodes of Bones on Netflix instant watch while knitting and I've also been trying my hand at container gardening. I thought I'd add it to the knitting/cooking mix to form a trifecta of domesticity. I've got some alyssum and two geraniums (looking kind of bedraggled right now), Liz brought me some chives that a co-worker gave away and I even started some vegetables from seed - chard, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes and basil.
I'm particularly fond of these little guys because I got them for donating to KUOW, the local public radio station - am I a double nerd?
I'm amazed at how terrified I am of killing these little guys. I haven't lost one yet, but if I do I'll probably be wracked with guilt. We went to visit Liz's family over Memorial Day weekend and I cannot tell you how fearful I was of leaving them alone for three and a half days.
And that is my life. I'm enjoying myself, but I'm also excited for July when I'll have more free time. I'm hoping that by the time I'm freed up the weather will have gotten better and we can start hiking! Oh, summer, I look forward to you.