Friday, July 18, 2008

This Town Ain't Big Enough For The Both of Me

I am no longer a current Westmonter. I am no longer a Santa Barbara resident. Holy crap. I am also not yet a Seattle resident. After much cursing and sweating I finished packing my car and drove to Sacramento on Tuesday. It was a long drive after a long day and I was not in a good mood for the majority of the ride. However, singing along with musicals on the way home helped me calm down and become somewhat more pleasant to be around. Since then I've been hanging out with the fam, watching TV and reading (oh, Jane Eyre, so good).

Internally I'm pretty sure that I'll be returning to Santa Barbara as soon as this family visit is over because that's the way it's ALWAYS been done. And by "always" I mean for the past six years. It's hard to believe that this time is different, that this time instead of heading south I'll be heading north. Ack!

Otherwise, nothing much exciting. Just the utter overhaul of my life. How's your summer?

If you need a break, I suggest you watch this: You're welcome.