Monday, November 7, 2011

Catching up, looking ahead

  • Been sick for freaking EVER.  Took antibiotics for first time in years, and I'm about 75% better (damn you, sinus congestion!)
  • Survived the Fall Conference, my biggest work event of the year.  Lots of pre-event freakout, 14 hour work day, went surprisingly well.  I'm awesome.
  • AWESOME Halloween.  I was healthy long enough to wear the bitchin' peacock costume that I spent a month making.  Danced the night away with friends.  Sweet.
  • Kicked the outlet mall's ass with the roomie and her bf.  Black boots, work pants, shirts, TWO fancy dresses, oh yeah.
  • Moving into concert week for Poulenc's Gloria.  Hopefully all the tiring work won't make my lingering illness worse.  It's a fun piece, so at least there's that!
  • Four day work week - woot!
  • Now looking forward to NEXT weekend: double birthday party for roomie and small group buddy should be a blast.  Then a morning of pedicures and eyebrow shaping followed by fancy dress for the annual fundraising auction my roomie's office puts on.  Silent auction, champagne, tasty dinner, fancy dress and friends - sounds good to me!
  • Next up, Thanksgiving!

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