Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Things of March

What Was: Sickness. Sister! Bones and The IT Crowd. Church. Battlestar Galactica exhibit. Morning Glory, friends, fried food. Pi Day, chicken pot pie, apple pie. Choir. Little Britain, mysterious agonizing back pain, Punch Brothers concert of awesomeness.  Coffee, cute dress, business meeting.

What Will Be: Chicago-style pizza party.  Eyebrow tidying and the taco bus. Birthday! Darby O'Gill & the Little People.  Friday off.  Mani-pedis with a birthday buddy (me 27 on 3/17, she 29 on 3/19 - amazing).  Polly. Spring begins.  Brunch on Bainbridge. Vasen concert or Dr. Sketchy's.  3 day work week.  Santa Barbara.  Masterworks concert with college choir.  Sharon, beach, bad kids movies. 4 day work week.

It's a good month.

1 comment:

joanna said...

Today is your birthday! Way to maximize March; your list makes me feel lazy and boring. Make Corrie come back--I have no one to hang out with when she's away. Happy birthday!